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2020 Month : March Volume : 9 Issue : 9 Page : 687-691

A Clinico Epidemiological Study of Periocular Hyperpigmentation.

Neeraja Sobha Kartha1, Balachandran Parapattu Kunjukunju2

Corresponding Author:
Dr. Balachandran Parapattu Kunjukunju,
Department of DVL,
Government T.D. Medical College,
Alappuzha-688005, Kerala, India.



Periorbital pigmentation is a relatively common condition encountered in dermatology practice. The aetiology of periocular pigmentation may be multifactorial. There is a scarcity of data regarding the prevalence of the condition mainly because of its transitory and floating nature, the lack of reasonable etiologic explanations, and the fact that the condition is considered just a cosmetic nuisance. We wanted to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of periocular hyperpigmentation and assess the proportion of various determinants in adult patients.


A descriptive study was done among 130 adult patients with periocular pigmentation who attended a tertiary care hospital in Kerala during a period of one and a half years. A detailed history, dermatological and system examination, Wood’s lamp & relevant laboratory investigations were done and results were analysed using appropriate biostatistics.


Majority of the patients belonged to 2nd decade and females predominated. Atopy and regular cosmetic usage were seen in 72% of the patients. Involvement of both eyelids was seen in 53.8% & post inflammatory was the most common type seen. Iron deficiency anaemia was the commonly associated systemic illness seen and stress aggravated the condition in 55.4% of our patients. 51.5% had grade 3 pigmentation. Wood’s lamp examination showed a predominance of epidermal pigmentation in 49.2% patients.


Although considered a phenomenon within the limit of physiology, patients, especially women, are really bothered and concerned about it, even relating the presence of dark circles with significant impairment on their quality of life. A proper understanding of the etiopathogenesis is important which includes identification and therapeutic targeting of each contributing etiologic factor for an individual patient.


Periocular Pigmentation, Multifactorial, Wood’s Lamp, Individualized Treatments

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